Tuesday, February 26, 2019

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The UR-77 Meteorit (Russian: УР-77 Метеорит, lit. Meteorite) is a Soviet mine clearing vehicle, based on a variant of the 2S1 Gvozdika chassis.

The vehicle is armed with a launcher and two mine-clearing line charges. When launched, a charge causes a shock wave that destroys or disables all the shells or mines along the area of the line charge. (with a width of 6 metres and length up to 90 metres).

The vehicle has also been used offensively, where its line charge has been used to destroy entire streets in urban combat.

UR-77 Meterorit 1

UR-77 Meterorit 2

UR-77 Meterorit 3

UR-77 Meterorit 4

UR-77 Meterorit 5

Complete article available at this page.

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